Infokes Visit Maluku, Advancing Public Health Facilities

Infokes sent its representatives to eastern Indonesia on 10 and 11 November 2022, to be exact, Central Maluku Regency. In Maluku Infokes representatives conducted training for the use of the ePuskesmas health information system application.

Infokes Visit Maluku, Advancing Public Health Facilities

Central Maluku Regency is one of the Regencies in Maluku Province, Indonesia. The district capital is located in Masohi. Central Maluku is an area surrounded by a wide sea, so it has a tropical marine climate.

Even though it has a large sea area, the majority of Maluku people are currently working as farmers. More than half (53.55%) of the population of Central Maluku Regency work in the agricultural sector. The second largest sector that absorbed labor was trade, hotels and restaurants at 17.65%.

Infokes Visit Maluku, Advancing Public Health Facilities

With these data it can be seen that Kab. Central Maluku has opportunities in terms of economic development in the agricultural and tourism sectors. This can support the health sector to grow together.

Accompanied by this, the health facilities there began to improve and improve the quality of services, one of which was the use of a health information system. Because of that, the health office invited Infokes to provide outreach and training.

To improve service quality as well as change the medical record data system to be digitized, ePuskesmas is used which has complied with Permenkes Regulation No. 24 of 2022, and is integrated with BPJS and other Ministry of Health applications.

Infokes Visit Maluku, Advancing Public Health Facilities

The training was also held because the Central Maluku Health Office had planned to contract using ePuskesmas in early 2023.

The agency itself wants ePuskesmas to be able to make maximum use of it, starting with this training.

Because it was also conveyed by the head of the service that they wanted all applications related to health services to be used optimally by all puskesmas in the district. my middle embarrassment. For the realization of one medical record data digitally throughout Indonesia.

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