Infokes: Pendampingan penggunaan Aplikasi ePuskesmas di Puskesmas Cikarang

Infokes in Cikarang, Strengthen the Use of ePuskesmas

Infokes in the mentoring agenda is still running intensely, West Java is still one of the locations where Infokes actively contributing to assisting health institutions within the scope of community service. This refers to the next Assistance agenda which will be held on Monday (03/06/2023) in Cikarang, namely at the Cikarang Health Center. The Infokes business development team fulfilled the invitation for application assistance ePuskesmas.

Infokes: Pendampingan penggunaan Aplikasi ePuskesmas di Puskesmas Cikarang

The agenda was carried out as a form of movement by the public health unit to improve the quality of digital-based health services in order to achieve excellent service for patients seeking treatment at these health facilities.

On the agenda, representatives of the Business Development Infokes team explained the use of the ePuskesmas application, including an explanation of how to use it and what features are in the ePuskesmas application.

ePuskesmas itself is a health information system (SIK) that is able to provide convenience in electronic medical records demanded by the government through Permenkes No. 24 of 2022. In addition, it has been integrated with other applications such as PCare BPJS and SATUSEHAT.

Infokes: Pendampingan penggunaan Aplikasi ePuskesmas di Puskesmas Cikarang

There are another Agendas

It doesn’t stop at the Mentoring agenda. Activities continued on the second day to evaluate and strengthen the use of the application. This is done so that the ePuskesmas application can be implemented optimally. Even though in practice, the Infokes team is always willing to help the health facilities 24/7 when problems occur.

The implementation of the ePuskesmas application is carried out when patients carry out their health activities at the puskesmas. This is done so that users of the ePuskesmas application from the Puskesmas can use it more effectively.

“The response from the medical staff during the training was very good and really helped the smooth explanation of the ePuskesmas application. They also felt that ePuskesmas had more detailed features,” said Taufiq, Infokes Business Development Team.



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