Infokes: Kunjungan Dinkes Kota Balikpapan ke Kantor Infokes

Infokes Holds Discussion with Dinkes City of Balikpapan

After the Malang Regency visit agenda related to application evaluation ePuskesmas and ePharmacy. Infokes now it’s the turn of the Balikpapan District Health Office to visit the head office of PT Infokes Indonesia on Thursday (08/06/2023). Precisely at PALM BRIDGE Jalan Cukang Kawung, Bandung City. The visit was attended by the Head of Human Resources, Representatives from DISKOMINFO, 2 Community Health Centers from Balikpapan, program division at the Balikpapan Health Office.

Infokes: Kunjungan Dinkes Kota Balikpapan ke Kantor Infokes

District Health Office Representative Balikpapan was then welcomed by the Business Development team to be re-directed in the discussion that had become the agenda for the visit.

In the discussion forum, Infokes and representatives of the Balikpapan District Health Office discussed plans for a health information system ecosystem in Balikpapan City. In addition to discussing dynamic reports, the team from Infokes explained about the productbeneficial the others besides ePuskesmas, namely eClinic and ePharmasi. These two applications will be the newest prospects for Balikpapan Regency in the development of health services from the scope of a practical and integrated information system.

“The need for health information system data is very important. This data is very important for us because it can be used as material for planning in the future. And with the existence of the ePuskesmas, it will be easier for us to process and manage it,” said a representative of the Balikpapan puskesmas officer.

In addition, the Head of HR also added. Balikpapan has a reporting program that must be carried out, and this reporting is also facilitated by the ePuskesmas. All data related to patients, medicines, health services, and others as a whole can be found in the ePuskesmas application.

Infokes: Kunjungan Dinkes Kota Balikpapan ke Kantor Infokes

Until the end of the visit, the Balikpapan District Health Office was committed to continuing to collaborate with Infokes to develop public health services in Balikpapan District.



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