pendampingan di Apotek Cemara Panghegar

Infokes Visiting Clinics in Bandung, Presenting eClinic

Most Used application by Infokes engaged in clinical management namely eClinic NG and eAntrean, gained attention in 2022. This was marked by field visits to several public health units interested in adopting the system eClinic and eAntrean.

Infokes: Pendampingan di klinik Pratama Amalia, Gedebage
Pendampingan di klinik Pratama Amalia, Gedebage

In this February, several clinics were visited by Infokes representatives to fulfill the agenda of each clinic. As of five days the activity started when the first clinic was visited on Monday (13/02/2023). The agenda began with visiting the Healthy Life Clinic in Ciparay, Bandung City for training on the eAntrean application.

Infokes: Pelatihan antrean di klinik healthy life
Kegiatan pelatihan antrean di klinik healthy life

Then Pratama Amalia Clinic, having previously introduced the eClinic application. Now mentoring and training is being carried out. eClinic assistance was also carried out at Cemara Antapani Pharmacy and Cemara Panghegar Pharmacy, meanwhile at the Adi Husada Clinic in Serang, the eClinic application was at the evaluation stage.

Infokes: evaluasi eclinic Klinik Adi Husada Sadang
evaluasi eclinic Klinik Adi Husada Sadang

In Addition, the eClinic application itself functions for the management and administration of patients who come to based clinics Cloud Computing. This application can help from registration to patient discharge, plus features for operational reports that can be tailored to each clinical need.

Infokes: pendampingan di Apotek Cemara Antapani
Pendampingan di Apotek Cemara Antapani

The response from the clinics as well as the pharmacies that were present was very good for eClinic, they saw the use of the application from registration to the cashier to the queue feature. Some of the problems that have been experienced so far have been able to be answered by using the eClinic application. This resulted in a positive response for us.

Infokes: pendampingan di Apotek Cemara Panghegar
pendampingan di Apotek Cemara Panghegar



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