Infokes Returns to Jambi, Coincides with National Health Day

Infokes Returns to Jambi, Coincides with National Health Day

Representatives from PT Infokes, went back to visit the Sumatran region, Jambi to be precise, after previously conducting an ePuskesmas evaluation at 12 puskesmas in Kab. Winking. This time our representatives went to the Batang Hari area.

Activities in the District Batang Hari is to inaugurate the use of the ePuskesmas application in this region. The inauguration of the ePuskesmas coincides with National Health Day which is celebrated every November 12 every year.

So the celebration of the 58th National Health Day in 2022 is a special day for Kab. Batang Hari because this is the day when transformation occurs. Transformation of service changes from previously conventional to digital using ePuskesmas.

ePuskesmas itself is a health center patient service application system that has a systemcloud computing. So that the application can be accessed on various devices with internet access. This application has also been able to integrate with various applications from the Ministry of Health including PCare from BPJS, and of course it is guaranteed data security.

So that this is felt to be able to bring progress for Kab. Batang Hari and its 18 health centers. This immediately brought appreciation from several parties including the Regent who also attended the 58th National Health Day event.

The Regent of Batang Hari stated that he supports the use of the ePuskesmas application in all puskesmas in Batang Hari. The regent also made a direct request that the name of the ePuskesmas application be changed to ‘Healthy Tangguh’ according to the regional program.

Due to the inauguration, Infokes immediately received an application letter which was signed and witnessed by the Regent, Mr. Muhammad Fadhil Arief, to be brought back to Bandung, indicating that Kab. Batang Hari is ready to carry out digital transformation in early 2023.

Rafiali M, Aru.

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