Banjar Extend the Use of ePuskesmas

Banjar Extend the Use of ePuskesmas

This area, which is in the southeast of West Java, will receive an evaluation of the use of the ePuskesmas application at the end of 2022, to be precise, on November 14. This is carried out to review use for one year back.

Of course, this review of the use of ePuskesmas in 2022 conducted by Banjar Regency is to determine the strategy for using the Health information system for the coming year, in 2023. This is a common thing that is usually done by all ePuskesmas users.

It’s just that not all evaluation activities are carried out in person, some are also carried out online. Evaluation in the Banjar area itself was carried out on the data input side, then were there any obstacles in its use, and how did the Health Office receive data from the puskesmas whether it was optimal or not.

Overall the results of this evaluation went well and both the service and representatives of the puskesmas felt comfortable with using the ePuskesmas application because of the ease and progress felt with the integration offered.

Because of this, the Banjar area also wants an extension for the use of the ePuskesmas application in its 10 puskesmas throughout 2023 by issuing a commitment letter given to Infokes in November 2022.

We also hope that we are able to continuously help improve our services and applications to be accepted and implemented. So as to be able to make patient service management in health facilities in Indonesia increase and become more excellent.

Rafiali M/Aru/


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