Infokes, in order to develop the effectiveness and quality of health services for the community. Visit the Puskesmas in Bekasi Regency, for training and application assistance eAntrian.
This activity was carried out at the Jatimulya Health Center, Bekasi Regency, starting from Tuesday (2/5/2023). The health center is one of the clinics that was visited by an information officer after previously having communication about using the eAntrian application.

eAntrian is a queue management that can help public health units. Such as hospitals, clinics, health centers, and others, in order to facilitate patient registration activities. In practice, eQuantions will be displayed on the machine called Infokes product boothKIOSK and Mini KIOSK.

Furthermore, eAntrian can also help minimize patient queues at registration counters. Visiting patients can register directly with the polyclinic directly by using the eAntrian application with the pavilion machine: KIOSK by simply scanning the patient’s insurance card or medical card.
“With this machine, both health workers at the Jatimulya Health Center and patients can easily access eAntrian and carry out medication registration activities quickly,” said Taufiq, the Infokes officer on duty.
During its implementation, the Head of the Puskesmas and the officers were very enthusiastic about the agenda, plus the Puskesmas had capable devices and networks to make the assistance run smoothly. The activity lasted two days including evaluation and installation of the KIOSK machine which at the same time can be directly operated and applied to patients at the Jatimulya Health Center.

Apart from that, in other places, eAntrian with its pavilion machines has started to be widely used.
Along with the existing collaboration between Infokes and the Jatimulya Health Center, this eAntrian will be a good medium for improving health services for the community.