Penyerahan Mesin KIOSK di Puskesmas Sungai Rengas Kab BatangHari

Infokes eAntrian Machine Ready to Use on BatangHari

Infokes on Development agenda flew to Batang Hari district of Jambi province, after years of implementing the use of electronic health medical records in collaboration with Infokes.

Previously Kab. Batang Hari is already a user Infokes in one of the puskesmas, this Puskesmas has been a user since 2017 and at that time it was the only puskesmas that used an application from infokes to use SIK. But the number is increasing with time.

Penyerahan Mesin KIOSK di Puskesmas Penerokan Kab BatangHari

Now Batang Hari Regency provides good news, namely the installation of KIOSK machine platforms for queue management. Precisely at the Penerokan Health Center and Sungai Rengas Health Center, Batang Hari Regency, Infokes representatives came to the two puskesmas to hand over and install KIOSK machines for the Penerokan Health Center and Mini KIOSK for the Sungai Rengas Health Center.

Penyerahan Mesin KIOSK di Puskesmas Penerokan Kab BatangHari
Penyerahan Mesin KIOSK di Puskesmas Penerokan Kab BatangHari

This activity was carried out for two days from Wednesday (14/02/2023) to Thursday.

In addition, the Penerokan Health Center also received ePuskesmas and eAntrian training and assistance. Meanwhile, the Sungai Rengas Community Health Center took part in listening to the ePuskesmas presentation.

In addition, the Kiosk and Mini KIOSK machine platforms implement the eAntrian application for queue management which can facilitate patient registration activities when seeking treatment at the puskesmas.

Penyerahan Mesin KIOSK di Puskesmas Sungai Rengas Kab BatangHari
Penyerahan Mesin KIOSK di Puskesmas Sungai Rengas Kab BatangHari

Fikri, an Infokes representative who flew to Batang Hari Regency, expressed his impression. He said, the two puskesmas had provided good, transactional, and communicative feedback. This makes the installation of the bridge machine run smoothly and without any problems.

Fikri hopes that KIOSK and Mini KIOSK can be useful for public health units in Indonesia. Also, Batang Hari Regency can continue to establish good cooperation in the future.




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