Infokes: pelatihan epuskesmas di Dinkes kabupaten Bangkalan 30 MEI 23

Infokes Display the Use of the ePuskesmas Application

Towards the end of May 2023, Infokes on the ePuskesmas agenda is still intense in improving the quality of health services in the community. Health Information System ePuskesmas from Infokes which is now renewable to be the Next Generationsystem re-intensified to the health centers in Indonesia. According to this, Infokes is always consistent and continues to be committed to providing excellent service to various parties.

As on May 30 to 31 yesterday, with the aim of fulfilling an agenda related to the Infokes application which is being implemented by the public health unit, namely ePuskesmas. Three Business Development teams departed for different regions, namely East Java and East Kalimantan, with different agendas.

Infokes in Bangkalan Regency, East Java

Infokes: pelatihan epuskesmas di Dinkes kabupaten Bangkalan 30 MEI 23
Infokes: pelatihan epuskesmas di Dinkes kabupaten Bangkalan 30 MEI 23

Two Infokes officers on the Agenda in Bangkalan visited the Bangkalan District Health Office. On the agenda, the ePuskesmas application was presented to the Health Office and the attending health centers. The presentation of ePuskesmas includes its features, benefits, and implementation. It doesn’t stop at the agenda for using the ePuskesmas application. The Infokes officer also gave a presentation on the eParmasi application.

Infokes: pelatihan eFarmasi di kabupaten Bangkalan 31 MEI 23
Infokes: pelatihan eFarmasi di kabupaten Bangkalan 31 MEI 23

eFarmasi is an application for pharmaceutical warehouse management that helps to facilitate all administrative matters, starting from taking care of stock taking and then making LPLPO automatically, creating report charts and recapitulations, to special features for receiving drug orders directly. Direct drug orders can be made through integrated applications such as ePuskesmas.


In its implementation, the Bangkalan District Secretary was interested in using it eClinic, one of the other Infokes applications within the scope of the Clinic.

Infokes in East Kalimantan

Infokes: pelatihan epuskesmas di dinas kota samarinda 30 mei 23
Infokes: pelatihan epuskesmas di dinas kota samarinda 30 mei 23

Next on the agenda in East Kalimantan, two Infokes officers visited the City of Samarinda and Kutai Kertanegara to explain the use of the ePuskesmas application to the Health Office and the Samarinda City Health Center. The agenda in East Kalimantan lasted two days. On the second day, Infokes officers headed to Kutai Kertanegara to meet with the Kutai Health Office for the Health Program section on the agenda for discussing application presentations and discussions regarding plans to use ePuskemas in Kukar.

Infokes: pemaparan aplikasi dan diskusi terkait rencana penggunaan ePus di Kukar 31 Mei 23
Infokes: pemaparan aplikasi dan diskusi terkait rencana penggunaan ePus di Kukar 31 Mei 23

The program holder team is interested and has plans to immediately use the ePuskesmas application, but in the process the Kabid has not been thoroughly informed about updates regarding the application. The next agenda that will be carried out is waiting for the part of the program holder to inform the Kabid to immediately socialize ePuskesmas.

“Following up after this, the program department will immediately face the head of the division to try to schedule another meeting by zoom. We hope that the Kukar Health Office will soon join Infokes in implementing this RME system,” said Erviansyah, an Infokes officer assigned to East Kalimantan.


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