ePuskesmas Application Assistance on Puskesmas Garut

Infokes Indonesia’s mentoring agenda is still running intensely, Garut City is one of the locations where Infokes is aggressively contributing to helping health institutions in the scope of community services through ePuskesmas. 

Infokes: Pendampingan epuskeskmas di Garut

The assistance was carried out in Garut Regency on Thursday (9/2/2023) and continued until Saturday (11/02/2023). The Infokes business development team fulfilled an invitation to assist the ePuskesmas application in several health centers in Garut Regency including the Cisurupan Health Center, Karangpawitan Health Center, Cisaandan, Cibiuk Health Center, Cisompet Health Center, Sukamukti Health Center, and several other health centers in Garut Regency

Infokes: Pendampingan epuskeskmas di Garut

ePuskesmas itself is a Health Information System (SIK) owned by Infokes which is able to provide convenience in electronic medical records demanded by the government through Permenkes No. 24 of 2022. In addition, it has been integrated with other applications such as PCare BPJS and SATUSEHAT.

Infokes: Pendampingan epuskeskmas di Garut

Taufiq as the Infokes officer assigned to accompany expressed his impression of the enthusiasm of the Community Health Centers who were assisted in the ePuskesmas application mentoring agenda. According to him, the Cisurupan Health Center gave a good and enthusiastic response when the assistance took place.

Infokes: Pendampingan epuskeskmas di Garut

The mentoring agenda was not only carried out in Garut Regency, previously several Community Health Centers in Tasikmalaya, Garut, the southern region, also received information officers to assist the ePuskesmas application.

“The mentoring is fun, easy to understand, and easy to practice. I hope that the ePuskesmas application can be used immediately,” said one of the Cisurupan Health Centers.



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